I added a ruby script to print a blog summary at build. I will probably not read it every time, but it is good to have a simple way of checking the count of posts. Code below:

# _plugins/site_summary.rb
module Jekyll
    class SiteSummaryHook
      Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :post_render do |site|
        puts "\n--------------------"
        puts "--- Site Summary ---"
        puts "--------------------\n\n"
        # Total number of posts
        total_posts = site.posts.docs.size
        puts "Total number of posts: #{total_posts}\n\n"
        # List of categories and number of posts in each
        categories = Hash.new(0)
        site.posts.docs.each do |post|
          (post.data['categories'] || []).each { |category| categories[category] += 1 }
        puts "List of categories with post counts:"
        categories.sort_by { |category, count| -count }.each do |category, count|
          puts "\t#{count}\t#{category}"
        # Example: List of tags
        tags = Hash.new(0)
        site.posts.docs.each do |post|
          (post.data['tags'] || []).each { |tag| tags[tag] += 1 }
        puts "\nList of tags with post counts:"        
        tags.sort_by { |tag, count| -count }.each do |tag, count|
          puts "\t#{count}\t#{tag}"          
        puts "\n--------------------"
        puts "-- End of Summary --"
        puts "--------------------\n\n"        

As an example, this is how the output looks like:

--- Site Summary ---

Total number of posts: 43

List of categories with post counts:
	25	journal-site-updates
	4	tutorial-git
	3	journal-revit-api
	3	journal-cs
	3	journal-other
	2	articles
	2	tutorial-one-page
	1	tutorial-vba

List of tags with post counts:
	20	jekyll
	10	web-design
	6	c#
	5	github
	4	liquid
	4	html
	4	git
	4	python
	4	ruby
	3	google-analytics
	3	javascript
	3	jekyll-liquid
	3	revit-api
	2	jekyll-minima
	2	css
	2	portfolio
	2	netlify
	2	linux
	1	scripting
	1	docker
	1	paths
	1	autocad
	1	markdown
	1	obsidian
	1	render
	1	bash
	1	linux-mint
	1	ubuntu
	1	cron
	1	vba
	1	github-actions

-- End of Summary --

Once pushed changes to main, the output shown above can be seen in Netlify under Deploy Log > Building. If I want to see the above summary in development, since I am using docker, I need to use the option --interactive or -i - see command below.

 docker start my-container-name -i